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How an Innovative Approach to a Guest Experience is Driving New Revenue
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For vacationers, photos are prime currency. And for the Carnival brand, capturing and selling these photos is big business. But for a long time, getting your photos meant walking into a room with thousands of analog prints. That’s why we created the Pixels Gallery.

The Imperative for Change

It’s fun to take photos, so our challenge became to make sure the on-ship photo experience was equally as engaging and fun. We built a digital platform and gallery space that was functional and still represented the fun personality of the brand.

The Transformative Solution

The Pixels Gallery takes the photo experience off the wall. Now, guests can access their photos anywhere and anytime from their mobile devices, in room TVs or in the main interactive gallery space, which is filled with a host of playful, interactive elements that encourage participation.

The Business Impact

Now, rather than having to walk through an entire ship’s physical photos, guests can access only the images that matter to them. And they are loving it. Cruisers are engaging more than ever, driving increases in photo revenue and team productivity.

Sooho Choi
Sooho Choi
Global Travel & Hospitality Lead