The rapid onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a bewildering swarm of information about all aspects of the virus, and its impact. But, “caveat lector (let the reader beware)”, fact-based information is often not what reaches the public. In critical times like this, science has the opportunity to step forward and provide trusted clarity and credibility. In the United States, the public has access to some of the foremost sources of accurate and trustworthy online medical content through government organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), world-renowned medical organizations such as Mayo Clinic, and leading university medical centers like Johns Hopkins University but the important revelations and advice of these scientific communities often doesn’t make it to the public it is designed to support.
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Building trust in digital government services Building trust in digital government services Building trust in digital government services Building trust in digital government services
Due to high profile data breaches, over half of Australians have concerns over how their data is kept safe, and governments must rebuild trust.