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Immersive Virtual Conference Experiences

Conferences and events serve as powerful opportunities to make new connections, deepen relationships, and learn new things. But attending a live event also comes with its fair share of hassles – extended travel, crowded show floors, packed-out sessions and back-to-back meetings that make it tough to always take advantage of everything a conference has to offer.

For vendors and organizers, keeping track of event sign-ups, badge scans, business cards and gathering feedback on sessions can be a challenge in real-time. With incomplete data coming in from multiple sources, having a full understanding of who attended an event and the overall attendee experience is difficult, with data often delayed as it filters in through different channels.

The Publicis Sapient Virtual Conferencing Experience (ViCE-X) takes all the elements people love about attending live conferences and combines them with the power of data, artificial intelligence and personalization to create immersive digital experiences previously unachievable through existing technology or in face-to-face settings.

The platform’s online registration and attendee profile integrate directly with existing tech stacks and CRM systems, removing friction commonly associated with implementing traditional out-of-the-box solutions and manual input of offline data. The result is a more complete 360-view of attendees, the content they’re most engaged with, the things they’re interested in and deeper relationship building before, during and after the virtual event.

With data collection and analysis happening at every stage of the event within one unified dashboard, organizers can build attendee profiles in real-time, enabling hyper-personalized feedback and engagement in a way they haven’t been able to do before.

“When designing in the virtual world, don’t just re-create the physical world. Push your imagination to build experiences that otherwise were not possible”

Introducing ViceX

All-In-One Virtual Event Platform

Additional features work to elevate the attendee experience, with a suite of AI-powered tools empowering audiences to plan, take notes and network in a way that’s customized to fit their interests and goals. This ensures they get the most value out of every session they participate in, while providing valuable insights for organizers. Features include:

Pre-Event: Personal Profiles and Intelligent Planning

  • Registration: Event portal pre-populates with suggestions based on registration data and linked social profiles, surfacing relevant content, connections and sessions upon login.
  • Calendar Planning: Custom calendar planning, with suggestions based on interests.
  • Networking: Connecting conference attendees with other participants that share similar interests and goals.
  • Virtual Lobby: Conference information readily accessible through a virtual event dashboard, guiding attendees through every step of the event.

Event Day: Elevated Experiences

  • Asking Questions: Attendees can pre-submit questions before a session to make sure they don’t get lost in the crowd.
  • Bookmark: Attendees can mark inspiring moments during a live session, which are bookmarked for later viewing.
  • Live Reactions: Attendees can share in-the-moment reactions like applause, laughter or confusion during a session, giving immediate feedback to the presenter.
  • AI-Powered Notetaking: AI-generated notes keeps people engaged, while offering opportunities for people to learn more through additional resources.
  • Capturing Key Moments: AI-captured photo/video with one-click social share allows people to never miss a moment and stay part of the conversation.
  • Playback for Later: Session playback and video transcripts, CTAs and related sessions for immersive post-session learning.
  • Accelerated Insights: Compare sessions based on engagement, feedback, polls, attendance, lead generation and other KPIs with minute-by-minute session analytics.

Post-Event: Building Relationships

  • Hyper-Personalized Sales Engagement: Accelerate sales cycles with hyper-personalized messaging based on individual attendee behavior.
  • Bonus Content and Recaps: Access to event content and recaps post-event, with bonus material and follow-up opportunities for one-on-one training, demos, or sales conversations.
  • Maintaining Connection: Meaningful networking means more relevant, longer-lasting connections.

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