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Can Consumer Tech Get Ahead of the Consumer?

A research study from Publicis Sapient

Raj Shah
Raj Shah

Consumer Tech Report

Consumer technology companies have recorded massive growth since 2020 as the new norm for schools and businesses has shifted between the home, office and classroom. According to Statista and the Consumer Technology Association, worldwide consumer tech sales increased from $422 billion in 2020 to a 2022 forecast of $505 billion.

As the world settles on what a new reality looks like, a hybrid model is here to stay. So, what does this mean for brands? Although the demand is strong, consumers are becoming incredibly intentional about how, where and what they purchase. Their behaviors are driving home new messages around loyalty and new business models.


Report Highlights

This report focuses on two main areas: consumer technology in the home and shopper purchase behavior.

The Takeaways

  • The amount of consumer tech choices creates overwhelm
  • Product purchase and use has a lot more intentionality behind it now
  • Gaming sees big wins because of the pandemic
  • Brand trust is a big deal
  • Marketplaces are an important and strategic way forward
  • Magical cross-channel experience is critical
  • Sustainability is more than a buzzword

Is your brand experience frictionless? Is your online presence strategically aligned with your company values? The future hinges on getting ahead of consumer preferences and winning the hearts and minds of the customer. If you can get this right, the ROI will follow.  

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Raj Shah
Raj Shah
Telecommunications, Media & Technology Lead, North America

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