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Biotechnology Organization

How Experience Transformation is Impacting Patients’ Lives

Delivering what matters most to patients and providers.

One major biotechnology research company is on a mission to provide patients and caregivers with the education they need about their medications, as well as affordable or zero-cost options for treatment. When the organization recognized that this information can be difficult for people to find, they came to us to create a digital solution. Together, we transformed their portfolio of branded pharmaceutical websites to reflect what matters most to patients, caregivers and healthcare providers.

The Imperative for Change

The biotechnology research company supplies numerous FDA-approved medicines that are each required to have their own website. However, there was not a standardized experience across the web portfolio, and many sites lacked clarity and useful information that patients valued when seeking to fully understand their medical conditions and the drugs they were prescribed. Leaders at the organization knew they needed to create a user-friendly web experience that provides the information patients and providers need most.

Additionally, leaders at the organization recognized that for some patients, paying for medications is a struggle. While some healthcare providers offer in-depth guidance about financial assistance options, many do not. When patients know they can afford their treatment, they are significantly more likely to fill their prescriptions and take their medication correctly. To keep people from falling through the cracks, the organization knew their website needed to provide clear information on how patients can receive affordable or even zero-cost treatment. 

“Something about the way this site is set up makes me feel that they are not just trying to sell me a drug.” - Cystic Fibrosis Caregiver

The Transformative Solution

Publicis Sapient and leaders at the biotechnology organization laid the foundation by meeting with patients, caregivers and practice support staff to understand what they would like to see on the website. We then worked with actual patients to design a simplified, cohesive web experience that addressed patient needs. The updated portfolio was built with reusable templates to ensure a consistent user experience as new sites are added in the future. Additionally, the templated design enables efficiency in building new sites, as well as maintaining compliance as regulations evolve. 

As a result of the web transformation, a person who visits a branded drug site can expect to understand the information and navigate through it in a way that reflects their lived experience as a patient. The easily digestible information and increased awareness empowers patients and caregivers to educate others going through similar experiences.

In addition to simplifying the websites, we also developed functionality across the portfolio to help people easily determine if they might be eligible for financial assistance. Each site incorporates a Financial Support tool with a responsive questionnaire that directs users to the application of the program they may qualify for.


image of multiple pills representing the health industry as a whole

The Impact

Simplifying, streamlining and scaling the web portfolio and financial support solution have supported the organization’s overall transformation and increased patient impact. The new frictionless financial solution has removed barriers to treatment by enabling both patients and prescribers to understand options that address the affordability of treatment. This, along with accessible treatment information, has the potential to help even more patients fill their prescriptions and take medication as directed—ultimately advancing the organization’s mission of supporting patients, providers and caregivers throughout their healthcare journeys.

“This financial application is the easiest that I have seen anywhere.” – Oncology Patient

Chiraag Shah
Chiraag Shah
Executive Client Partner

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